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What are the CME requirements for NMDs in Idaho?

Every two (2) years, a total of forty-eight (48) hours (twenty (20) of which is pharmacology) of Board-approved CME is required as part of the naturopathic medical doctor’s license renewal. 


You may use this form to record your continuing education:


Keep records for at least 2 years (until next renewal period) in the event of an audit. 


Which entities offer Board-Approved CME?

The Naturopathic Medical Board (NMB) approves accrediting entities, not individual programs. The Board has approved CME credit for courses provided or approved by the following entities:

  1. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP);

  2. North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council (NANCEAC) through the Federation of Naturopathic Medicine Regulatory Authority (FNMRA);

  3. Institutions or organizations accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and reciprocating organizations.

  4. American Medical Association (AMA) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA);

  5. American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE);

  6. The following state naturopathic regulating authorities and professional associations:

          A. California Naturopathic Doctor Association (CNDA)
          B. Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medical Examiners (OBNME)
          C. Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians (WANP)

The Board has also approved the following for CME :

  1. Completion of one-year, full-time residency program (CNME or Board approved) meets the full two-year CME requirement.

  2. Preparing or writing for presentation or publication, a medically related paper, report, or book that is presented or published, addressing current developments, skills, procedures, or treatment in the practice of naturopathic medicine. A maximum of 4 hours per year may be claimed during the 2 year renewal period.

If you’re not sure if the course you are interested in has been approved by one of the above agencies, you will need to contact the course organizers directly and ask them if they are approved by any of the above entities. 

The IDAANP does not have a master list of courses approved for Idaho NMDs.


How does the Idaho Naturopathic Medical Board approve accrediting entities? 

The NMB approves accrediting entities, not individual programs. The Board may approve agencies that have as their program approval standards:

  1. The content of the course shall be relevant to naturopathic practice and consistent with the laws and rules of this state.

  2. The learning objectives of the course shall be reasonably and clearly stated.

  3. The teaching methods shall be clearly stated and appropriate.

  4. The faculty shall be qualified both in experience and in teaching expertise.

  5. Documentation of attendance shall be provided.

  6. Any perceived conflict of interest is stated clearly.

  7. Excludes the selling or promotion of proprietary products, practice building, self-help activities or insurance billing.


Where can I find free and discounted CME? 

The IDAANP offers a continuously updated list of free and discounted CME to its members as one of its membership benefits. We also offer IDAANP specific CE offerings as well. If you’d like access to this list and to be a member of the IDAANP, you can sign up at


More questions?

You can look here: 

You can also contact IDAANP membership at or here.

** All information in the creation of this page was taken from Please go here for more information. 

Where applicable and able, linked to specific rules and licensure laws.

The Idaho Chapter of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians





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